CD launch: Michael Kieran Harvey / Julian Yu

Please take note of the following Move Records upcoming event:

•  Michael Kieran Harvey / Julian Yu
•  Invitation to the launch of two CDs as well as printed scores – please help us to publicise this event!

Michael Kieran Harvey will play excerpts both albums. The CDs will be launched by Dr. Elliott Gyger, Senior Lecturer in Composition at the University of Melbourne.

WHEN: Sunday 28th February 2016 at 3 pm.

WHERE: Move Records studio, 10 Glen Drive, Eaglemont, VIC 3084  (Melway 31 K7)


Seating is limited to 50 people, and an RSVP is essential.  If you or your colleagues would like to attend this event, please let us know as soon as you are able.

Please help us to spread the word about this important project, and if you are able, include information about it in your newsletters, email campaigns and the like. There is more information on the Move website ­