TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali and Delta Produzioni Associazione Culturale hereby open a call for works for acousmatic
music composers.
Art. 2 No participation fee is required.
Art. 3 The call for works will accept unpublished and never performed compositions by musicians of any nationality and of any
age. Compositions must be sent as explained below.
Art. 4 Pieces should not exceed TWELVE (12) minutes in length, however consideration will be given to compositions which
exceed this length if, in the opinion of the focus group, they are of particular artistic merit. The focus group’s decision on this
matter is final.
Art. 5 The compositions must be presented in stereo or multi-channel versions (CD Quality or better). Any multi-channel
versions of the composition should be sent along with the stereo version (wav or aif 48kHz 24 bit).
Recording formats:
Stereo format
Quadraphonic format
5+1 format
Esaphonic format
Octophonic format
For the performance the following material is available:
n. 8 speakers with relative amplifiers
n. 2 sub woofer with relative amplifiers
n.1 digital console
The compositions can be sent using two different methods:
A) 1 copy in audio digital format to be sent by internet using a file hosting system like wetransfer or similar.
The permanent link from which it is possible download the materials must be sent by email to the email address:
It should be specified in the subject / body of the message the call for works to which you wish to apply
(ACOUSMATIC PREMIERE), your last name and the song title.
The compressed file in .ZIP format, including all materials must indicate your last name and the title of the
B) 1 copy on CD or DVD to be sent by regular mail to the address listed below.
CDs/DVDs will not be returned and will be stored as documentation in TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali archive
TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali
Via del Torre 57/5
33047 Remanzacco – Udine
The call for works administration prefer audio file delivery in digital format by internet.
The audio work sent on CD/DVD format or the corresponding audio file sent by internet must contain the last name of the
composer and the title of the composition.
Art. 6 In addition to the participant work (and regardless of the delivery methods) the composer should enclose the signed
entry form and other info about the composer listed below:
– name, surname, date and place of birth, sex, nationality, address, e-mail address, telephone number, title, length of
composition, year of composition
– a statement agreeing to the rules and conditions of the call for works “Acousmatic Premiere”
– a statement certifying that the submitted composition is unpublished
– a statement agreeing to permit the performance of the composition to be recorded, broadcast or telecast, archived and used
for CD production without compensation. (Remuneration relative to copyright for public performance and mechanical
reproduction will be safeguarded and distributed by SIAE)
– a statement agreeing to the treatment of personal information in accordance with Italian privacy laws. (D. Lgs. 196/03 –
Codice in materia di Privacy).
(For all the statements and info it is possible to fill the entry form with all the requested data. To download the entry form use
the following link: http://www.taukay.it/pdf/2017_acousmatic_premiere_form.pdf)
The following material must also be included:
– composer biography
– recent photograph of the composer
– photocopy of identification document of the composer
All the info can be sent in digital format by internet to the email address competition@taukay.it
Alternatively it is possible to send the documents listed above also on paper by regular mail to the address listed below:
TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali
Via del Torre 57/5
33047 Remanzacco – Udine
Art. 7 More than one composition may be submitted.
Art. 8 The closing date is 31st August 2017.
The postmark will be deemed to be the date of submission for the works sent by regular mail.
In case of delivery by internet, the shipping e-mail will be deemed to be the date of submission.
In case of delivery using ordinary mail from abroad, please specify that the package contents has no commercial value to avoid
added custom charges.
(Example to write on the envelope: “Descrizione del contenuto: documenti e CD per audizione privi di valore
commerciale/documents and non-commercial audition-CD”).
Art. 9 The final decision of the focus group about the performance of the compositions (“Contemporanea – Acusmatica”
festival in Autumn 2017) will be made public by 1st October 2017. The results of the selection will be published on the website
www.taukay.it and personally communicated to the participant by e-mail.
Art. 10 The focus group reserves the right to refuse any entry which does not fulfil the indicated requirements.
Art. 11 The focus group’s decision is final.
Art. 12 By entering the competition and submitting the composition, the composer accepts all the above terms and
Failing to follow the above terms and conditions will result in the forfeiting of any rights deriving from participation in the call
for works.
Art. 13 The competent court for any dispute is the Court of Udine.
For further information, please visit the TEM – Taukay Edizioni Musicali website at: www.taukay.it
Or email us at: competition@taukay.it