Dear Mr/Ms,
Please, we send you the Terms and Conditions of the IV International Composition Competition Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos (Valencia, Spain) for spreading the information. The contest rules are in English and Spanish language.
Our website is:
For more information:
Thank you in advance.
IV International Musical Composition Competition
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos
(San Carlos Royal Academy of Fine Arts)
- The call is open to all composers of any nationality, without age limit. Each composer will only be able to submit one work. The submitted work must be the original creation of the author, be unpublished, not be the result of a paid commission, neither awarded in any competition, and must not have been performed in any concert or public event, not even in any of its parts (should it had them), neither with its present title or any other, and must not have been broadcasted by any medium.
- The works will be written for oboe and piano (with no electroacoustic resources). The duration of the works must be between minimum 12 minutes and maximum 20 minutes. Works that are not within those time limits will be disqualified.
- Three copies of the general score will be sent together with a set of scores (part for the Oboe and full score for the pianist, including oboe’s part) duly prepared so that the work may be smoothly performed using them. Scores and materials will have to be properly bound and perfectly legible.
- With the purpose of preserving the anonymity of the composer, the work will have to be submitted with a title and a motto chosen by the author as only identification data. An envelope externally identified with the work’s title and motto will accompany the full score and materials. Inside the envelope, the name, last name, address, e-mail address, contact phone number, a photocopy of the author’s identity card or passport and a short biography of the author will be included. A signed statement will also be included indicating that the work submitted is the original creation of the author, it is unpublished, is not the result of a paid commission, and has not been awarded in any other competition, nor has it been performed in any concert or public event, not even in any of its parts (should it had them), neither with its present title or any other, and has not been broadcast by any medium. In the event of the work being awarded in another contest, after having been sent to this competition and before the Jury’s decision is announced, the participant shall immediately inform of this fact to the Real Academia, as this would automatically invalidate his/her participation in the competition. Proposals that do not respect the anonymity of the entrant will not be accepted.
- The submission period begins on the day of the publication of these Contest Rules in the Web site and will end on May 24, 2019. The documents will be submitted with acknowledgement of receipt, or sent by registered mail to the following address:
IV Concurso Internacional de Composición Musical Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos
C/ San Pío V, 9 – 46010 Valencia. España
In case of submission by registered mail, the postmark date will be taken as the official delivery date. Works not strictly adhering to the submission deadline will be disqualified.
- A single prize is to be awarded, worth 4,000 euros, subject to current tax legislation. The Jury, acting by unanimity, may not select a winner, whenever the quality of the submitted works is not considered as sufficient.
- The Jury shall be appointed on a proposal from the Music Section of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos (San Carlos Royal Academy of Fine Arts) and approved by the General Meeting of the Academy. Jury’s decisions are final. The jury’s decision will be made public as from 15 June 2019. Only the name of the winning composer, which shall be immediately informed, will be made public. The original score shall remain with the Real Academia. The remaining participants will be able to know the result through the Web site of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos:
- The World Première of the winning work will take place during the last quarter of 2019 in the Assembly hall of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos, that reserves the right to choose the interpreters who will feature such première.
- The author of the awarded work inexcusably commits him/herself to be present during the award ceremony of the prize at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos in Valencia. The Institution will only take over the accommodation expenses. Should the author be unable to attend the première of his/her work, the winning composer will be deprived of the monetary prize. In other words, to be able to receive the 4,000 € of the prize, his/her presence in the work’s premiere in the Assembly Hall of the Academy is required.
- The author of the awarded work commits him/herself to state in all advertising, as well as in all recordings, editions and concert programs including the performance of this/her work the following statement: First-prize winner of the 4th. International Musical Composition Contest, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos.
- Non-awarded scores will be returned by ordinary mail, at the request of the participants. To this end, the request must arrive at the Real Academia before 29 June 2019. After this deadline, the Real Academia accepts no responsibility for the custody and preservation of these scores.
- Property rights will belong to the author of the work.
- Should the submitted work incorporate musical fragments or texts, the ownership of which does not belong to the author (except when they are made as quotes, in accordance with Article 32 of the Law on Intellectual Property), such fragments or texts will have to appear written in the score and the materials, and proof of the relevant permits will have to be provided. In all cases, any liability will be the sole responsibility of the authors.
- The Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos shall not be accountable for any responsibility derived from plagiarism or any other breach of the existing legislation on matters relating to intellectual property in Spain, incurred by the contestants and their work. Neither shall the Academy be liable for any material lost, stolen or damaged during mailing or shipment.
- The participation in this competition assumes unconditional acceptance of these rules and the Jury’s decision as final. The interpretation of the rules is an exclusive competence of the Competition’s jury.
- Should the Competition fail to be carried out due to unexpected circumstances, no appeal will be accepted.
- For legal purposes, the original drafting of the rules is made in Spanish. The competition rules will be provided in several languages, but should any disagreement arise; the Spanish version will be considered valid.
Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos
C/San Pío V, nº 9, 46010, Valencia
Tfno. 96 369 03 38