There is an exciting opportunity for composers called the São Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival, located in São Paulo, Brazil.
After a successful first year, the festival will take place from October 4 – 13th, 2019. Participants can apply to have a work premiered with orchestra or chamber music. Furthermore, we are proud to invite back Christian Schulz, Director of the Vienna Symphoniker who will be conducting the orchestral works and will also be giving masterclasses. Orchestral works will be premiered by the Unicamp Symphony Orchestra and chamber music compositions will be performed by Quartetto Larianna and special guests Luis Afonso Montanha, Daniel Murray, Pedro Gadelha, Raïff Dantas Barreto, Marcos Aragoni, Alexandre Ribeiro, and Laurent Estoppey.
Each participant will receive a professional recording of their chamber music work at the Studio Arsis in addition to the performance.
There will also be two composers in residence: Reinhard Fuchs, from Vienna, Austria and Silvio Ferraz, from São Paulo.
We are proud to announce that Dylan Findley, a student of UMKC, was awarded a commission project with the SPCCF and has been invited back this year.
Below is a link to the website. Please share this with anyone you think might be interested.
Brianna Ricci
Director of Communications
São Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival