36th Asian Composers’ League (ACL) Festival & Conference in New Zealand Call for Scores

Dear MCL member,

The 36th Asian Composers’ League (ACL) Festival & Conference in New Zealand Call for Scores

The 36th Asian Composers’ League (ACL) Festival & Conference will be held in Christchurch, New Zealand from April 28 – May 2, 2020.  Information about the Asian Composers League Young Composer Competition 2020 (Australian composers under the age of 30 invited to submit scores for the Asian Composers League Young Composer Competition) will not be available until the beginning of September.

More information at this link: http://canz.net.nz/opportunities/call-for-works-asian-composers-league-festival-2020/

Receipt Deadline: Friday, 23 August, 2019

Please note that the scores from MCL members need to reach me by EMAIL at apertout@pertout.com by August 23, 2019. The August 31 deadline is the final ACL deadline, but I need to receive all the materials prior to that deadline so that I can then upload it all on Google Drive as ONE single country submission. ACL-New Zealand expects each member country to send them ONE package. What this means is that you will all have to email me scores and recordings of your works (including entry form, biography, notes, photograph, etc.) as PDFs, MP3s and JPEGS utilizing either Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/), Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/), or what I consider might be more ideal: WeTransfer (https://wetransfer.com/). The MCL will NOT make any selection of scores. I will simply collect them and email them all to ACL-New Zealand.



Andrián Pertout (MCL President)