Below please find the guidelines for the 2021 Martirano Composition Award. I hope you and/or your colleagues or students will be interested in the award. Note that 2021 is the 25th anniversary of the award. Let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your support.
Zack Browning
The University of Illinois School of Music and Global Crossroads Living-Learning Community celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Salvatore Martirano Memorial Composition Award by announcing the 2021 Award Competition.
The 2021 Salvatore Martirano Memorial Composition Award
Eligibility: Any composer, regardless of age or nationality is eligible. Previous winners, faculty, and currently enrolled students at the University of Illinois are ineligible for the competition.
Awards: First Prize cash award of $1000 and second prize cash award of $500 plus performances by the Illinois Modern Ensemble in the fall of 2021 on the 25th Annual Martirano Award Concert on the campus of the University of Illinois. Additional awards and performances may be given at the discretion of the judges.
Judges: A panel of judges consisting of international composers and University of Illinois music composition faculty members will select the winning compositions.
- Medium: Full scores of any style or aesthetic direction for 1-15 performers (all instruments and/or vocalists) may be submitted. Works for electronics and/or mixed media (including video), with or without instruments and voices, are eligible. Recordings of scores are encouraged but not required. The submitted compositions may have already been performed, recorded and/or published. The winning composers will assume full responsibility for providing adequate performance materials upon request
- Duration: 20 minutes maximum.
- Limit: One entry per composer.
- Entry fee: A non-refundable entry fee of twenty US dollars (20.00 USD) is paid online before the composer can submit their music. All major credit cards are accepted. The winners’ award fees, as well as the panelists’ fees, the concert and reception expenses, and those for the resulting concert recording, are funded entirely by the generosity of each composer’s $20 submission fee.
- Anonymous Submission: The composer’s name must not appear on the score or in any accompanying materials submitted online.
- The winning composers are expected to attend the award concert and reception and will be responsible for their transportation costs (the competition will provide lodging and some meals). The composers do not have to attend the award concert to be eligible for the award, but we do encourage their participation in the event. We hope that award winners will view this experience as a positive addition to their biographies and recording archives and come to the concert to forge new relationships with other professionals.
Entries must be submitted and paid for online by Monday, April 12, 2021 11:59PM CST (23:59 GMT-0600).
For more information and to submit scores go to: